Baabuk wool shoes

Baabuk wool shoes


Our lovely sneakers arrived in the post today!

A very exciting parcel delivery arrived this morning! As I’m writing this post, my feet are very nicely ensconced in an extremely comfy, and very cool looking pair of wool felt sneakers. Swiss designed and Portuguese made Baabuk wool sneakers are a new product from Swiss husband and wife designers and makers, who are committed to making their shoes, boots and slippers using only wool. Sound a little unusual? Take a look at the images and decide for yourself. With a definite Vans vibe going on, one of their best features is that you’re not supposed to wear socks with them as they are so comfortable and as wool is a natural antibacterial it combats any odour problems too. Wool is also a natural regulator of temperature so they will keep your feet warm in winter and cool in summer. The longer you wear them the comfier they get apparently, what’s not to love?!


Originally inspired by traditional Valenki Russian boots, made for the extreme cold, Baabuk use the wool felting method which means the shoes are made from one piece of wool and have no visible seams. They’re extremely tough and comfortable at the same time. I’m looking forward to wearing mine in!


Baabuk already make and sell slippers and accessories, but the sneakers are a completely new product line for them and they’re launching a crowdfunding campaign on the 28th September to help get them into production.

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